Carer’s support perspective

EVIQ NSW – is a resource for health professionals supporting patient recovering from cancer. Read more about my experience as a carer: Alice Fung is a Sydney Occupational Therapist who shares personal insights caring for her mother with ovarian cancer....

Our Services

Occupational Therapy Services offer @ AF Occupational Therapy: Health and Wellness:Medicare rebate on Occupational Therapy services (GP referred – Enhanced primary care plan for chronic health conditions)Activities of daily living assessmentChronic pain...

About the therapist

Alice Fung, an accredited Occupational Therapist with OT Australia, has worked in occupational rehabilitation, acquired brain injury and mental health scenes for over 10 years. Her special interests (and secret passion) is chronic pain management and cognitive...

Fees & Rebates

Fees are subject to variation depending on the assessment/services you are required. Please note, obtaining a referral from GP  under the Medicare Benefits Schedule, will make you eligible to receive a  rebate from Medicare or your respective...

Fact sheets – Medicare enhanced care plan

Patients often asked whether they are eligible for Medicare Chronic Disease Management Plan – Allied health services. Here is a link to the fact sheet produced by Medicare.  It explains eligibility and so when in doubt, take this fact sheet with you to your GP...

New Facebook Page

I have a Facebook page set up with all the news I gathered around the world regarding the latest updates on cognitive science, rehabilitation and just interesting links.  For those who enjoys finding new things about our brain and how amazing our brain is, please...